

Pre-MBA Industry:

Private Equity



Years of Experience at the Time of Application:

6 Years



Undergraduate GPA:
Graduate GPA:

Finance and OIDD

Admitted to:

The Wharton Business School

Breaking Barriers : A Journey to a Wharton Admission


Hailing from a business family in Mumbai, VP worked in a sought-after VC firm and was a reapplicant to M7 business schools after a round of unsuccessful applications in 2020. Unhappy with the experience of working with an international consultant, he chose to work with us, confident that an Indian firm would translate his Indian experiences for global audiences and help him articulate his personal experiences more effectively.

 After assessing his profile, we identified areas requiring extensive context-building. He had eight years of work experience, higher than those of peers applying to the same schools. His GMAT score of 710 fell substantially below both the average score of Indian students and the overall average at Wharton, his dream school. Given his drive to perform well academically and professionally, the quality and depth of his extracurriculars weren’t as pronounced as other applicants.

 Finally, the details of his post-MBA goals, charting a path in PE, required more reflection to bring forth the unique elements of how he planned to impact businesses and create value for both firms and investors


To address VP’s low GMAT score, we helped him highlight his CA certification and showcase his quantitative prowess through different application elements by focusing on his accomplishments as a private equity investor. 

As part of an overrepresented category, he had to identify the value of building a well-connected peer network to become a successful private equity leader. He connected his goals to driving value creation for all stakeholders at an increasing scale, helping struggling legacy companies turn their businesses around in a fast-evolving geography. He built a simple yet powerful narrative around his leadership goals. He focused on network development and his long-term view of value creation for a business. This included safeguarding its reputation, ensuring job security and employee growth, and contributing to the country’s economy. 

With our advice and a strong standing at his firm, VP presented his work experience and vision for future impact with resources and network access more meaningfully. As a Round 2 applicant, his simple yet rock-solid pitch helped him gain admission to Wharton Business School.

Key Takeaway

VP’s case exemplifies how leveraging a comprehensive understanding of both personal background and global business dynamics can effectively position an applicant for success in elite MBA programs. His journey from initial setbacks to a compelling application narrative, along with well-thought-out and articulated reasons for an MBA, underscores the power of strategic guidance and authentic storytelling in the competitive landscape of business school admissions.

“Re-applying to M7 business schools after my initial setbacks was daunting, but with the right guidance, I transformed my application. The strategic advice and support I received from The Red Pen, despite my low GMAT score, helped me build a compelling narrative, highlighting my strengths and future goals. This approach was instrumental in securing my admission to Wharton School, turning my dream into reality.”

—VP, Wharton School MBA Candidate